Black Moors
From China Daily BBS
One of the reasons why the Spanish thought that California was an Island is because they got that information from Black Moors living in Spain. In fact it was the same Spaniards who named the region 'California' after Queen Califia, the Black Amazon Queen said to rule over California, the Island 'at the end of the terrestrial plain.'
The person to mention that California was an 'island' ruled by a Black Amazon Queen was Ordonez de Montalvo who is said to have written the book, "Journey to Esplandian." This book was based on knowledge of the 'New World' that came from the Black Moors of West/NorthWest Africa who ruled and controlled Spain for about 800 years.
The contribution of the Black Moors to Spain and to Europe is not usually discussed. In fact, there has been the effort to make the Black Moors of the Mahgrebi Region into 'Arabs.' Yet, these were African Negroes and not Semitic Arabs. (see ) The Semitic Abbysid Arabs entered Spain about 1000 AD and when they arrived, the old racial animosity with the Black converts to Islam that goes back to ancient Arabia flared up in Spain. [If ever the chance is there, please read "Susu Economics," at or read, "African Presence in Early Asia,' by Ivan Van Sertima and Runoko Rashidi, at Transaction Publications, New Bruinswick, New Jersey or check this link )
The Black Moors (not Arabs, but these Africans who lived from Nigeria to Morocco and converted to Islam in the 700's AD, after inviting 'ulamas' or Muslim teachers from Egypt), did venture into the Americas for centuries before they became Muslims and for centuries up to the 1500's.
In fact, the very same Africans who of the prehistoric (and contemporary) cultural and linguistic group called 'Manding-Shi (Niger-Bantu) and Manding-Kush (Niger-Kordofan), and who entered the Americas in prehistoric times ( 30,000 BC, say Lutz, Van Sertima, Gladwin, et al.. - ), these are the same Africans who entered the Americas with Emperor Ci before 3000 BC (Popul Vuh as translated by Sahagun) as well as later on up to the 1400's.
Another group of Africans from the Nubia-Egypt region also entered into the Americas. According to Zacharia Sitchin, excavations done by Mexican, American and other archeologists found the Egyptian-Nubian calender in Mexico. That calendar is said to have been brought to Mexico by Tehuti Mez (Thoth).
Take a look at these references:
Lost Feather
Journal of the Moorish Paradigm
The Moors invaded Spain in 711 AD. The leader of that invasion was Gabel Tarik who was a convert to Islam, as were the vast majority of Almohads or Black Moors. Moorish ships made frequent trips to the Americas and these Moors were called Califunami (one of the ethnic groups that some American Blacks living in the Florida/Virgin Island region and California/Central America belong to).
These Moors were widespread throughout the Americas and had a strong trading relationship. Black Moors were not 'Arabs,' but were Africans who converted to Islam.
The 'tawny' Moors or Arabs first entered Spain about 1000 AD. These Arabs were par of the Abbysid Dynasty based in Syria. As soon as the Arabs invaded Spain, they had conflict with the Black Moors who ruled spain. This conflict lasted for about 400 years and gradually, this division led to the eventual takeover of Spain by the Christians.
So, while the Black Moors ruled Spain, parts of southern Europe and were part of the intellectual power in Northern and Central Europe, they contributed to the renaissance that occurred in Spain and Portugal.
As for the region from Nigeria to Morocco, the hhistory is one unbroken line, even during slavery. The people who converted to Islam in the 700's were part of more ancient kingsoms that existed in West Africa and the South Western Sahara. The most ancient is the Zingh Empire (15,000 BC). Zingh was the Mother culture that gave way to Egyptian and Nubian-Ku**e civilization.
The Zingh (the name 'Zingh' is used by the Arabs as a name for Blacks) Empire stretched from Senegal to India. It was the first global empire (called the "Ethiopian Empire' in the Bible, and the empire founded by Cush in the West and Nimrod in the East after the Ice Age began to diminish and the Sahara became 'wet' and partly covered with inland seas, just as California was.
Today, much of the Sahara is dry and most of the ancient and prehhsitoric people have migrated to the southern parts of Africa, the Americas, India, Melanesia, SE Asia and parts of the South Pacific. (Lost Feather)
See more links at Black Conciousness and go to 'LINKS'
Yet, about 10,000 to 30,000 years ago, the Sahara was a thriving region. It was the place where humans began to practice agriculture, animal husbandry, and many aspects of civilization. In fact, one core area of these activities was and is the DAFUR, region, the site of an ancient kingdom older than Egypt itself. Yet, the people of Dafur who used to send their chariots to fight the Egyptians over 4,000 years ago, they are today the victims of destruction.
One of the reasons why it was believed that California was covered by water is BECAUSE IT WAS COVERED BY WATER. The Central region of California is a long 'lakebed' that is about 400 miles long and 125 miles wide. This area used to be covered with water as recently as the early 1900's. In fact, this is the body of water that the early visitors to California saw and thought that it was part of the Pacific ocean.
So, it is true that to the first Europeans and to others who visited California (including the Black Moors) may have seen the huge inland 'sea' now recently drained out of water. It is also a very fertile flatland in Central California that is below sea level.
Keep in mind also that one of the original races in California was in fact Negro and that the way their warriors dressed their hair could have made them appear wearing their hairdoo of some African women.
Look at this picture of 'Califia' and of the Black Californian.

The Black Californians were an independent Negro group who were not brought to the Americas as slaves. They were already in the US before Columbus and were among a very large group of Negro/Black people throughout the region WHO WERE ACTUALLY TARGETED TO BE ENSLAVE BY THE EUROPEAN CHURCH, WHO SAID THAT 'DESCENDENTS OF HAM,' (INCLUDING AMERICAN INDIANS, CHINESE, EAST ASIANS, EAST INDIANS, PACIFIC ISLANDERS, BLACK MOORS, BERBERS AND OTHERS OF 'HAMITIC' LINEAGE) WERE TO BE ENSLAVED.
(See references, "A History of the African-Olmecs," at Check 'HISTORY TIMELINE,'
One of the reasons why the Spanish thought that California was an Island is because they got that information from Black Moors living in Spain. In fact it was the same Spaniards who named the region 'California' after Queen Califia, the Black Amazon Queen said to rule over California, the Island 'at the end of the terrestrial plain.'
The person to mention that California was an 'island' ruled by a Black Amazon Queen was Ordonez de Montalvo who is said to have written the book, "Journey to Esplandian." This book was based on knowledge of the 'New World' that came from the Black Moors of West/NorthWest Africa who ruled and controlled Spain for about 800 years.
The contribution of the Black Moors to Spain and to Europe is not usually discussed. In fact, there has been the effort to make the Black Moors of the Mahgrebi Region into 'Arabs.' Yet, these were African Negroes and not Semitic Arabs. (see ) The Semitic Abbysid Arabs entered Spain about 1000 AD and when they arrived, the old racial animosity with the Black converts to Islam that goes back to ancient Arabia flared up in Spain. [If ever the chance is there, please read "Susu Economics," at or read, "African Presence in Early Asia,' by Ivan Van Sertima and Runoko Rashidi, at Transaction Publications, New Bruinswick, New Jersey or check this link )
The Black Moors (not Arabs, but these Africans who lived from Nigeria to Morocco and converted to Islam in the 700's AD, after inviting 'ulamas' or Muslim teachers from Egypt), did venture into the Americas for centuries before they became Muslims and for centuries up to the 1500's.
In fact, the very same Africans who of the prehistoric (and contemporary) cultural and linguistic group called 'Manding-Shi (Niger-Bantu) and Manding-Kush (Niger-Kordofan), and who entered the Americas in prehistoric times ( 30,000 BC, say Lutz, Van Sertima, Gladwin, et al.. - ), these are the same Africans who entered the Americas with Emperor Ci before 3000 BC (Popul Vuh as translated by Sahagun) as well as later on up to the 1400's.
Another group of Africans from the Nubia-Egypt region also entered into the Americas. According to Zacharia Sitchin, excavations done by Mexican, American and other archeologists found the Egyptian-Nubian calender in Mexico. That calendar is said to have been brought to Mexico by Tehuti Mez (Thoth).
Take a look at these references:
Lost Feather
Journal of the Moorish Paradigm
The Moors invaded Spain in 711 AD. The leader of that invasion was Gabel Tarik who was a convert to Islam, as were the vast majority of Almohads or Black Moors. Moorish ships made frequent trips to the Americas and these Moors were called Califunami (one of the ethnic groups that some American Blacks living in the Florida/Virgin Island region and California/Central America belong to).
These Moors were widespread throughout the Americas and had a strong trading relationship. Black Moors were not 'Arabs,' but were Africans who converted to Islam.
The 'tawny' Moors or Arabs first entered Spain about 1000 AD. These Arabs were par of the Abbysid Dynasty based in Syria. As soon as the Arabs invaded Spain, they had conflict with the Black Moors who ruled spain. This conflict lasted for about 400 years and gradually, this division led to the eventual takeover of Spain by the Christians.
So, while the Black Moors ruled Spain, parts of southern Europe and were part of the intellectual power in Northern and Central Europe, they contributed to the renaissance that occurred in Spain and Portugal.
As for the region from Nigeria to Morocco, the hhistory is one unbroken line, even during slavery. The people who converted to Islam in the 700's were part of more ancient kingsoms that existed in West Africa and the South Western Sahara. The most ancient is the Zingh Empire (15,000 BC). Zingh was the Mother culture that gave way to Egyptian and Nubian-Ku**e civilization.
The Zingh (the name 'Zingh' is used by the Arabs as a name for Blacks) Empire stretched from Senegal to India. It was the first global empire (called the "Ethiopian Empire' in the Bible, and the empire founded by Cush in the West and Nimrod in the East after the Ice Age began to diminish and the Sahara became 'wet' and partly covered with inland seas, just as California was.
Today, much of the Sahara is dry and most of the ancient and prehhsitoric people have migrated to the southern parts of Africa, the Americas, India, Melanesia, SE Asia and parts of the South Pacific. (Lost Feather)
See more links at Black Conciousness and go to 'LINKS'
Yet, about 10,000 to 30,000 years ago, the Sahara was a thriving region. It was the place where humans began to practice agriculture, animal husbandry, and many aspects of civilization. In fact, one core area of these activities was and is the DAFUR, region, the site of an ancient kingdom older than Egypt itself. Yet, the people of Dafur who used to send their chariots to fight the Egyptians over 4,000 years ago, they are today the victims of destruction.
One of the reasons why it was believed that California was covered by water is BECAUSE IT WAS COVERED BY WATER. The Central region of California is a long 'lakebed' that is about 400 miles long and 125 miles wide. This area used to be covered with water as recently as the early 1900's. In fact, this is the body of water that the early visitors to California saw and thought that it was part of the Pacific ocean.
So, it is true that to the first Europeans and to others who visited California (including the Black Moors) may have seen the huge inland 'sea' now recently drained out of water. It is also a very fertile flatland in Central California that is below sea level.
Keep in mind also that one of the original races in California was in fact Negro and that the way their warriors dressed their hair could have made them appear wearing their hairdoo of some African women.
Look at this picture of 'Califia' and of the Black Californian.

The Black Californians were an independent Negro group who were not brought to the Americas as slaves. They were already in the US before Columbus and were among a very large group of Negro/Black people throughout the region WHO WERE ACTUALLY TARGETED TO BE ENSLAVE BY THE EUROPEAN CHURCH, WHO SAID THAT 'DESCENDENTS OF HAM,' (INCLUDING AMERICAN INDIANS, CHINESE, EAST ASIANS, EAST INDIANS, PACIFIC ISLANDERS, BLACK MOORS, BERBERS AND OTHERS OF 'HAMITIC' LINEAGE) WERE TO BE ENSLAVED.
(See references, "A History of the African-Olmecs," at Check 'HISTORY TIMELINE,'
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